
Welcome! This webpage is a collection of my work as I progress through my Master’s in Educational Technology at Boise State University.  My work can be accessed in 4 ways:

  1. Blog posts: Visit the Artifacts&Reflections tab to see a running list of all my work.
  2. Standard: Click on the categories or by go to the AECT Standards page to see which assignments correspond to each standard
  3. Class: Select the appropriate tag to see my work for each class.
  4. Website: I have built a website to demonstrate my work in my EdTech 502 class

Additionally, I have created a page of Links&Resources that contain some interesting and useful links.

In case you are interested, a little about me….

I am 25 and currently live in North Idaho; however,  I prefer to be traveling or outside. I am originally from North Idaho, but spent the last year down in Southern Idaho teaching Freshman English, coaching debate, and coaching Girl’s Cross Country for Jerome High School.  I got laid off due to budget cuts and so decided to go back to school for my Master’s. Ultimately, my goal is to teach English at a university, or do curriculum development for online courses.

I love to run, bike (mountain or road), rock climb, hike, camp, read, write, swim, travel, and just have fun in general. I am always busy doing something and prefer to be out and active than sitting at home. I love the Pacific Northwest + Montana and the many activities available.
{Just for fun… check out my blogroll at the bottom of the page for some of my favorite blogs}

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